Dear Friends, I am indeed very glad to launch the website of the Gujarat High Court Advocates’ Association. The domain name of the website is “”. This website has been created by a reputed professional with great care and deft incorporating every minute detail which any member of our Association may need for his profession. I have noticed that most of the members of the Association are absolutely unaware of the activities and administrative mechanism of the Association. Most of us are not aware of the representations concerning important issues made by the Association to Chief Justice or the State Government and whether the issues raised in such representations have been resolved or not. The resolutions passed by the Managing Committee and the General Body are not known to everyone and such resolutions are not easily accessible. There is also lack of clarity in the mind of the members about the income-expenditure of the Association though they are audited by a Chartered Accountant and approved in the Annual General Meeting. Sometimes questions are put to the elected members in the court corridors by some lawyers about the income-expenditure of the Association and their other grievances but unfortunately they do not show up in the meetings of the Association. Thus, in fact a very small segment of the members of our Association are showing interest in the activities of the Association by attending meetings. I do not want to put entire blame on such members for not showing interest in the activities of the Association since we all have collectively failed to show unanimity, solidarity and preparedness for espousing the genuine grievances of our members, litigants and public. We all have become quite insensitive individually and collectively to everyday injustices done to litigants, lawyers and general public. It gives an impression that we have lost the desire and courage to do something in this regard. It is therefore, most important to make our members aware of the vital issues concerning our day to day practice in the High Court viz. difficulties in filing cases, their circulation, issues related to roster of the court, parking problem, chamber allotment, enrolment-membership issue, frequent insults or humiliation of a lawyer during the court proceeding by some judges etc. Through this website I would, therefore, like to place before you all the above details. The website contains telephone directory of members, all resolutions passed by the Manging Committee and General Body during last three years, the audit report for last three years, the Constitution of our Association, important links, the facility to notify our members the date, time and agenda of every meeting in advance, the facility to make online payment of annual fee, videos of the legal seminars etc. We propose to upload more and more details concerning our profession for the benefit of our members including important articles written by any member of the Association and approved by the editorial board. I am sure that this website will be very useful to you and will provide you all important information which you may be searching for. As stated above I have consistently observed the problem of a sparse presence of our members in meetings of the Association. The reasons for not taking part in this democratic process may be genuine or may be a usual apathy. Be that as it may, this malaise needs immediate treatment and cure to make the democratic structure of our Association successful. I, therefore, very soon intend to provide a facility of as well as manual voting by providing a ballot drop box in the Bar-Room for those who cannot attend the meetings of the General Body so that the true wish of the majority can be ascertained. I am sure that my efforts to bring transparency and discipline in the administration of our Association will be well-received by all concerned. I wish and hope that this little step would enliven your interest in all issues and grievances the Association proposes to espouse for and on behalf of its members. The creation of a website is a quite tedious job. It requires lots of inputs to be provided by us to the website developer. The Members of the Managing Committee have done commendable job in collecting material, scanning the material, finding and selecting important links, uploading videos and photographs etc. I sincerely express my gratitude to all of them who by their ceaseless efforts made this website possible. I hope and trust that this website will be a very useful tool for the purposes mentioned above and it will keep on serving the purposes for which it was planned. Thanking you. Best Wishes Brijesh Trivedi President Gujarat High court Advocates’ Association.
Portrait Unveiling Function and Felicitation of Seniors who have completed 50 Yeara in Practice
Notice for GBM on 25.10.2023 vide Minutes of MC Meeting 6.10.2023
Welcome of Hon'ble the Chief Justice
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